August 10, 2006

Waiting for an Offer, Must Have Gratitude

Hands on Hips

As RadioGurl suggested, BE MORE POSITIVE!

Yes... I put a smile on my face when they told me how little they were going to pay me. I listened to the turning of my stomach as the HR Manager happily told me this as if it were a million dollars.

You see.. earlier in the day I got a call from a recruiter. (I get these kinds of calls all the time.) Whose net doubled, no almost tripled the amount the Big Retailer quoted.

Yes folks the Big Retailer called once more. Am I excited, no estatic about how meager they were offering me? OK.. Ok... it wasn't really an offer, just a phone call to let me know they were doing a background check (ie. criminal/dmv/credit history) and then I'm in Royally Like Flynn's Shop til you drop sister. Really!!! I do hope I get this job. Even though I know I'm worth more. As its better to do honest work, to like the people you are working with and to do something that is 1/2 way creative, especially as an artist. You see, I'd be working in fashion, jewelry, Martha Stewart's Linen and Jacqueline Smith's Furniture as a department assistant manager. I'll be reporting to the Store Manager.

I guess I'm feeling a bit elated in that I've been spending the past few years upgrading my education with a Masters Degree to get a better paying job. Whereas, this job I'll be making considerably less than I have made in more than 10 or 12 years! I almost fainted when the HR Manager quoted the general range salary. Having to swallow ones pride for stability and long term employment, is like petting a dragon while calling him Puff... as he blows smoke out of his nose.

In Like Flynn

I need to learn to deepen my Gratitude with an appreciation for what the Universe is offering me. As for the recruiters.. well.. they are ONLY phone calls and no solid offers. And unemployment is getting to be such a bore. I have to remind myself that this job is not just for myself but for the Universe. That there are many people out there seeking advice and spiritual consultations. Well.. here I am and my door is OPEN.


Tonight I went to the temple for a meditation sitting. This kind of meditation is where a "spiritual medium" (someone who sees into your soul) comes around and gives you what we call spiritual words. It was a long sitting (2 hours) where many other people meditate for the different levels. Yes, there are four levels in becoming a temple medium and I am a second level medium. They say that sitting for the third level gets a little harder. And believe me... it gets easier when more people practice. Practice is when you say nice words, do kind acts and give from your heart not expecting anything in return.

I'm graduating this month, Dad's 85th Bday is in September, Mom's 80th Bday is in October, the temple will have elevation sittings too so pray for little ole me, November going to Vegas with my Mom, and December back to Japan.

The Spiritual Words I got tonight reflected my innate ability to give insightful perspective on life to many people. That I can foresee far more than the average person even the average spiritual medium. (Kinda like Sylvia Browne) It's how I channel that information and to what use. That I need to tap into the Spiritual Source and have Gratitude for what we call Shouldering the Burdens of Others. That there were many that came before us, and to have the deepest respect and reverence towards them and what they went through. And believe me I DO!

Would someone please do a special prayer right now for all of the unemployed people who are seeking work. That we would all receive guidance and mutual respect when talking to other's and that the employer will honor our rights as a human being.

I Have Wonderful Work for Wonderful Pay I Give Wonderful Service in a Wonderful Way.

New Mantra

I'm so happy that someone thought that I am good enough to come into their employment, I'm so happy that hopefully soon I'll be employed, I'm that a paycheck is on the say, I'm so happy that I can get up everyday and breath and smile to everyone I meet put a sparkle of joy into their lives. YES... a Job, a Car, Happy Family and YES to LOVE.

Since this is a very esoteric teaching, conveying everything is not possible. But let me tell you, true joy comes from within.

I'm learning to deepen my Gratitude.

Someone told me tonight... "You certainly are going through severe practice." I told them that it would be easier if we were mountain monks who shaved their heads and gave up everything. But here we are with our practice in society. And I do believe the spiritual world knows more than I do and I also have to deepen my faith. And I do have a strong faith in a Higher Source.

Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FairyGodMum