
The Audition

Auditions UGH!!

You Would NOT Believe What Happened!

I left with my tap shoes rehearsing my song and warming up my voice before I got on the bus next to Golden Gate Park.

People jogged by, stopping in their car's wondering... What the Heck was she singing... Something about her TIT's!

Yes, I sang the Boob song from the KNOCKERS show last month. Since most of the directors of the Master's Program had already seen me in that play I thought as it was fresh on my mind and I could pull it off.

There were two other guys auditioning as well. One was a Zit Faced Kid with exuberant energy. Kinda like the guy you might think is crazy, "Neurotic" with a twitch or tick as they call it. The other Kid was a Skinny "Nerd" with homosexual tendencies. Both were quite nice and ready to prove their capabilities.

The Neurotic Kid went first. Apparently he memorized some dialoug from a play, I couldn't follow what he was doing as the first scene had to do with a Preacher in a Church, and the second was a Politian. His sentence structure was way beyond my vocabulary and I had to think about each word he was saying as he recited them very fast. Although he was expressive in his delivery, I had No Idea what he was trying to say.

The Nerd did something from the Lion King was very proper in his content and danced around like a little cub. I just saw the Lion King for my birthday in July, but for the Life of Me, I don't remember that being in the play.

Did I mention that I'm not good at memorization... But I can fake it when necessary.

Then it was My Turn.

The two kids mouths dropped as I sang about my boobs. KNOCKERS Even though I expressed to them that this was from a recent play that I was in. For some reason they thought I had a complex about my boobies. And got excited since I presented something SeXuAL.

Then we had to interact with each other. Taking each others piece and performing what we perceived and interpreting it as our own.

I had the Lion King. Sang something about me being a cub wanting to be King of the Jungle. While also portraying the evil kings brother spitefully expressing my vengence.

We then had to direct the other two in an impromtu performance.

The Neurotic Kid didn't take direction well, and did whatever he wanted even though I gave him direct actions to take.

The Nerd did exactly as directed but was thrown off when Neurotic all of a sudden placed Nerds legs on his shoulders and lifted him to the Sky. One of the directors panicked and proceeded to intervene as we all thought his head was gonna be mashed potatoes hitting the ground.

Fortunatly he didn't fall but we all gasped and was exceedingly glad when it was over. However of course, my direction was the best I'm not bragging but the other two were very abstract and not much interaction.

I did have a bit of a mix up when after the Nerd gave me this dialoug to recite:

Perverted Prettying Things Pontiff Politics.

He instructed me focus on my Tits encircling them with my hands.. What a DORK!

Then I told him I was a NUN! He almost peed in his pants!

I'm getting kinda tired
of being Type Cast.

Can't say I was relieved that this audition was over and especially happy that I knew all 3 Directors and felt confident in how I exposed myself.. I especially liked the part where the Nerd instructed me to act like a cleaning lady tap dancing and singing in a TV commercial...

Clorox, Ajax, Mr. Clean!

I made it through
the first week of school.

This is going to be really hard semester and I have no idea what the owner of the pizza place is gonna do. He got into a scooter accident on Friday and totaled his scooter. Scraped himself up a bit, but is basically OK.