May 4th 2009

Shout it from the Mountain Top!


And how are you doing?

ME? Well... I don't know. Couldn't be more disconcerned about how I'm doing. Not that anyone should be concerned.. more like...something is time that says tick tock.. tick tock.

Time is a funny thing. How much time do we actually have to accomplish something great. Seems there is more time when your waiting for something exciting and then it can't come soon enough.

I've waited and waited for success... Some kind of get up and go get em brother type of feeling. And OH Yes... I'm rambling here.

Is success or failure all in the mind? Is our mind in control of our destiny? Whereas our decisions certainly make up the outcome. How about the process or the results. Can we actually change our destiny? And IF So... is it up to us to make that decision or is some Higher force in control of even the minutest of details?

So, at this moment I declare for all who are reading this... SUCESS in all of your endeavors. That EVERYThing you could possibly want... take place right now. Meaning.. it's on the way. As of course with anything, it takes a little bit of time for the Universe to process and make it happen.

I have a GREAT Job... I have Ultimate success in relationships... I live in a fabulous place. I have achieved the BEST Possible kind of Goal... there is for me on earth. And that is LOVING GOD. My JOB is to instill love in one another, to create happiness on earth for all mankind. To instill the kind of greatness that God would HE Himself say.... You have done IT! GREAT JOB! There is nothing in this world that I would rather do, than to make each and everyone happy. To be at their peak of success, the highest of high, the ultimate goal IS to Know God. The Ultimate Source of ALL Creation. To be at the center of this universe and declare. I LOVE GOD!

Shout it from the Mountain Top. Knowing that when you do this, your life has changed into one of service for mankind. To help one another know and appreciate the little things. To wake up each and every morning and know deep inside your heart that all your needs are taken care of and there is nothing that you want for. Other than HIS Loving Kindness and Compassion.

Have I turned into a fanatic? NOOOOOO..... But I guess it's no wonder that I was blessed in being The FairyGodMum.

God Bless You and Keep You under His Wings of Truth.

Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FairyGodMum