January 3rd 2006

Happy 2006




I made it through the holiday season Hoorrayyyyy!!!!

Yep, another year has come and gone. And my butt has grown another 5 inches in just one month. (This is my typical lead in for humorous results). I looked in the mirror and found a smile that said...


To look like I was 30! yep that's a goal since I'm turning 50 this year. I'm vowing to find a boyfriend, go to Japan, and get a great job!

These are actually goals and a promise to myself.

Now for Holiday Funatics

The holiday season went along OK. I can't really complain, just a lot of family eating more than they needed to.

Dearly Departed

Had a distant uncle to pass away which was a bummer. He looked very young and had no previous health problems that were obvious. He just went to the bathroom and died while Peeing. Imagine that, was the way to go, not by making love or in ones sleep. I don't know what to say about this except for thanks for the prayers and well wishes. And I pray that he finds peace.

This happened a week before Christmas. He was my cousins uncle actually not related to me. (My Mom's brother was married to his sister. If you can understand that.)

On to Xmas funatics...

Dinner was at my beautiful cousins. Everyone was in good spirits considering and the menu was incredible. Gumbo, Lamb, Turkey, Greens, Dressing, Maccaroni and Cheese and MORE! At least 8 kinds of desserts and she bakes Monkey Bread. We sang Christmas Carols with cousin on the piano and of course me orchistrating.

Did I forget to mention...

While my sister was on her way to the airport she tripped and fell on the sidewalk while trying to save money by not parking her car in the lot. Well, as the story goes she was wheelchaired through the airport and managed to crawl up my stairs. I iced and soaked her foot which swole up like a lemon cake. We finally decided to go to the hospital which is directly across the street from my house. She could barely walk that far as I brought her a wheelchair from the Emergency Room. After a hour wait, she finally went to X-Ray. Yep, her foot was broken in two places. They gave her a big foot wrap and brace and sent her home. They said she'd be walking in about 2 weeks, but that her foot probably wouldn't heal.

Well.. that put a damper on her last minute shopping plans and I managed to find some things around the house that she could give as gifts. We slept late and I cooked sesame chicken with mustard greens, rice and cornbread. I made some rice balls with fresh salmon and asparagus for our lunch the next day and day after Xmas, we went to my Dad's and ate Poppey's Chicken with powdered mashed potatoes and canned string beans. His wife loves to cook for us you see...(BAD JOKE)

My Step-Sister's Ex-Boyfriend

Anyway.... my father's wife's daughter didn't come as her X-Boyfriend showed up and couldn't keep his eye's off me. OMG, they were going to get married and he found her in bed with another man whom we believe to be gay. I'll have to tell that story another day.

Anyway, I told my dad's wife how he starred at me through the night, made me nervous and extreemly shy. Which I'm NOT! Told her, I'd rather see them get back together, but if she doesn't want him He's Up for GRABS! Yep a Free Employed MAN! Oh well, told Dad's Wife to talk to Dad before I make a move. See what he thinks.

School and Flood

As I sit here contemplating the new school year. Registration is in about a week. I'm so NOT ready to go back as this weather has not only made my roof leak but my toes are cold. Yep, all you've heard about the flooding is true. Although it's not flooding in San Francisco, the surrounding counties such as Napa Valley and the Sacramento area's are mud and mush.

I cooked the traditional Black Eyed Peas for New Years Day and am now cooking Lentil Soup. Let's hope that this New Year is the BEST One Yet and that Many Many Wishes Come True.

Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FairyGodMum