
Colorado Karma and Wedding


Went to Colorado Springs for my first cousins wedding. Actually my first cousins son. He's about my nephews age "27" and he married a girl he's been together with for about 7 years.

I remember that 7 year itch I went though with my wedding somehow I'm sure he's going though the same thing He seemed a bit distraught that he was going to inherit his new wife's karma. This is something that most people don't realize.


Yep, the inheritance that no one speaks of is something little known in today's society. KARMA, is either good or bad, but plays a significant role in our lifes. We dictate our own destiny by what we do, say or even act upon from a remote past, past life and even from our ancestors.

Most people know about the one that we do in this present life, but little do we know what we did in our past life, or from generations ago by some ancestor.

There are ways to cure this seemingly abstract concept of Karma, but first we have to recognize that each moment we create new karma. I know that my cousin loves his new wife, but he is suffering the effects of joining into marriage and inheriting a karma he knows not of. That flame that people speak of as two which becomes one, is real. And there are ways to generate good karma, or heal the karmic past.

What to do

Three things to do.... Know what you say with your mouth and how to say it, use your body wisely and think pleasant thoughts. Oh yeah right, you say! So we just stop creating karma by doing these things? Well... that's a part of it, but some things we are not capable of because we haven't elevated our human/being to that level. It's a process that has no easy route. We are curable, yet even solvable, in our own creation of our world. First let's start with our family, close friends and associates. Then let's begin with our enemies and develop a relationship of healing with them. Forgiving is essential and necessary for everything to work. Stressing on harmonious relationships with everything and everybody.


I don't claim to have all the answers, yet while in Colorado I visited The Garden of the Gods where rocks are forms long ago that had a prehistoric resemblance. This is a sacred place where the gods meet and converge as many sacred places on this earth. It is one of the pure sites that manifest harmony even though all around is chaos. We are all walking around in the dark as if our eyes were closed. Not seeing any truth even in ourselves. We create our own beliefs and truths, lying all the time about anything and everything. When will we open our eyes to see ourselves as we are. In need of each other, as we are all interconnected to a Greater Source and everything that we do, and everybody that we come in contact with have a significant role in shaping our destiny.

Best Wishes for Success

My wishes for my cousin is of the best of times, health, wealth, happiness and love. Becoming one with someone isn't easy, but it is love that binds even the weakest heart.

The wedding was lovely, the bride rode in on a horse drawn carriage. They wed under twin trees that kissed outside in the warm sun. Dinner was lovely and dancing for all. I pooped out around 11pm! It was a 6pm wedding, my Mom came with her BF. He was weird the entire time, I think because of some spiritual interference. Native American spirits abound. And they somehow converged on him. Men can be so controlling, I can't describe the hectic time we had with his uncooperative nature. I guess it's my karma to suffer though this. We usually get along fine. He's like a Dad to me, but this trip he was more like an uncontrollable troll.

What a Trip!

At the last minute my Mom tells me he's coming along, well.. let me put it like this. I drove the rental car, he wouldn't read me the directions to the hotel, he kept telling me the wrong way to go. At the hotel, he left the seat up and peed on the the floor. He left his banana peels everywhere including inside a hot car, on the table in the hotel room and in his own briefcase. Weird huh. He would leave us unattended, looking at the sky, roof or whatever like it was more important than our safety. Should I go on? Ok... thats enuf.

Did he know?

If he even recognizes anything that he put us through, I doubt, and wonder how can anyone be so insensitive to our needs. Only thinking of himself was astonishing.

Acceptance of Everything

This is that self centeredness that is spoken of, such is known as ego or karma. Let go of ones self, is to let go of karmic influence. By accepting everything isn't easy, but let's go of ones own ego. Something I need to learn as this behaviour should not of upset me. So much for recognizing my own karma. As my tolerance level is short. I must learn patience. Yes... this is a virtue.

Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FairyGodMum