May 5th 2008

A Little Bit of Poo...

Oh Poopy!

So... Yesterday morning I opened my back door to let the dogs out and guess what??? The puppy went all the way down my winding back stairs and did her little business all by herself!

This is a miracle as I have been walking her down and up the stairs every three or four hours. Get's to be tiring not to mention the weather here in San Francisco is cold and foggy. So there I am in my flannel PJ's with a flashlight tromping down the stairs at 10pm for the last pee pee. Seems she's a bit scared of the dark stairway and her fragile bones might break if she falls.

Well.. Today I was gone for the morning til afternoon, came home and she pee'd on the pee pee pad in the hallway! Good Gurl... so I took her outside to show her to my Mom. My Mom loved my Pekingnese, but he was a big flirt with the girls. This is a female dog and a bit less troublesome in marking territory. However.... had Mom to drive me to the bank and when I came back without me even looking I stepped in some poo. Good thing her poop is as wide and long as a Number 2 pencil broken in half. She's too small to hit with a paper. So I just opened up the back door and walked her outside repeating the words "Poo Poo... Pee Pee" My neighbors must think I gotta go REAL Bad.

Hugz n Lub, da Happy Fairy Cinco De Mayo God Mum