January 13, 2008

This Slave Has Done Broke Her Chains!

Slave Theory

Yep.... there's a Slave theory that's been on my mind for a little bit. And uhh... We're NOT Talkin bout "The Artist Known as Prince" here. Even though he felt he was a Slave to his recording company.

Some people have in their minds that they have to be etiher Slave Labor, Slave to a Partner, Slave to Love or just a "Step'in FetchIt". Sorry bout that last pun.

I'm not much on bi-racial issues, nor am I one on bi-sexual. Some people have issues with both, go figger. I believe a persons orientation has nothing to do with who they are on the "Inside".

Even so, I do get confused when people say they are one thing, and then they behave like "Dracula" later. You just have to wear garlic and a cross around your neck to prevent being sucked dry or keep a handy dandy eighteen inch silver stake in your back pocket for Good Luck. Dark Hearts need those kinda things ... to be plunged into them every now and then.

So, here I am talking to my former employer who reads this blog regularly. Yep you know who you are... psssstttt... It's the "Big Retailer".

Yep, seems they read my stuff way too much, I think they have the Run-a-way Slave Theory. Me, being the run-a-way.

Maybe they are trying to find comfort in knowing that they let one get away. Yep... I fled through the Underground Railroad. As I may know how to say "Yess SIR!" and be respectful, just cause I'm that way naturally, but because they were so deceptive in video taping me 24/7 and recorded audio as well. That's against the law right? Privacy yep that's it.

You see, I knew that they were doing this so I said many things to justify it. Hahhahaha... just to see how they would react. I guess the joke was on me, cause they couldn't confront me with what they heard me say via recordings. So... they had ta give da Slave da runna round bizznezz.

For those of you still reading this at "Big R" Thank You Very Much, as I've learned so much from you and that experience. Not only about people like you, but from everyone at the company. I am very greatful for your cooperation and commanding personalities.

That when and ONLY when change happens, it will be because of the Great Law of the Universe. Cause, I'm not going to be the one to create any kinda fuss bout nothin. But I guaranteee that when THAT Special Someone whips another Slave on the back or decides to lynch him or her and laughs.

The "Great Almighty, All Seeing Source of the Universe" See's all, Knows all, and Judges ALL!

But Me... uhhh.... I don't judge, I just sit back, watch and pray as Karma bites da butt of a Bad Dog.... errr.. Female Dog. Ya Dig?

Yep, this Nappy Headed Educated Female has just handed you a Pooper Scooper with a hole in the bottom. Tee Hee

Good Luck, to my Good Friends at "Big R" and Love to Y'ALL, Miss Y'ALL and Hope you are surviving picking cotton candy at the Plantation.

Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FairyGodMum