July 21st 2005



Well... I'm into the final stretch of my Thesis Project and I'm trying hard to keep a perspective in the reason why I'm doing it.

Also trying to give those in the show a reason for doing it too. Especially since I cannot afford to pay them any performance fee's or costume purchases. At one time in my life I wouldn't hessitate to treat everyone to lunch or a means to get to and fro. But here I am just struggling to make sure my electricity is still on and the phone still rings.

Not much to ask the universe for, other than world peace and a little harmony among all men/women. I'm actually very grateful that my means are what they are. It gives me a deeper appreciation for the things that don't really mean that much. Human Value is more important to me now and bringing close friends closer and family member's into understanding me more as an artist.

It's really funny when they have to come to my show's. This time I have invited all they're friends, hopefully will be a good turn out.

There's been a bit of a rif on campus regarding rehearsal space and the newly locked rooms and security. Seems there are some lurker's in the midst and someone pulled a knife on security. Not an easy job I guess and some students seem to think they are custodians as well. Not really appreciating they're efforts in making us secure. I'm sure it's just some misunderstandings and most certainly in the way that we communicate our needs.

Never a good idea to yell at someone when you're trying to get something.

I've never seen anybody get what they want in that manner. Nor the respect from all involved. I don't like taking sides nor do I try to get in the middle. But I just don't care for any injustices just a fair balance and trying to create harmony within the college groups.

Rehearsal tonight was pretty good with the actors finally melding into they're lines. They also had to learn some dance movements, it was quite funny for the guys but they look pretty good. And the girls are can canning they're way around the room too! I'm so happy that this show is coming together and next week we get to rehearse in the theater.

Sorry I can't write more about this now, but I promise I'll will later. I do have to update you on the prima donna who left me a phone message telling me "I am a professional" "You have to get me a pianist, and a copy of the video sooner" OMG.. I was shocked! The entire message was centered around him and his wants and whenever I get him on stage he looks like he doesn't know where to go or what to do and doesn't know how to move.. really interesting that someone who really needs this practice in they're lives thinks that they are all that and a bag of chips.

I must agree that he sings quite well, but this ego trip that he's on right now is on the verge of my wits end. I really need him in the show, that's what he's taking advantage for. But how is professional not showing up for rehearsals, being prepared for what he's supposed to do and complaining all the time. I just hope that he's able to change his way's soon. As this method is no good for every in the show. I'm not even telling anyone in the show about his behavior as they will send him bad vibes and I want to send him good vibes as his is really a good person and has good intention but his having a tough time with wanting to be a star and how a star actually behaves!

Well.. wish me LUCK and PRAY that this performer does the show will full heart and is able to climb up to the top where he wants to be or expects to be.

Hugz n Lub, Bebe da FairyGodMum